Time to Talk Day Meet and Mingle Event

Time to talk event bf.png

On the 6th February the Building Futures project supported the national mental health programme “Time to talk” https://www.time-to-change.org.uk/get-involved/time-talk-day by holding a meet and mingle event at the premises of our partner The Healthy Living Centre.

The event was a great way to bring the project and the local community together to discuss mental health and reduce the stigma attached. Claire Tilson, the health improvement manager at The Healthy Living centre did a great job of putting together the agenda and the promotional materials and Lorna Collins, the time to Change co-coordinator from Bucks Mind was truly inspirational in leading the event and directing activities.

Attendees sat in groups and used prepared materials to spur conversation around mental health in a way that was comfortable for all and coffee & cake was provided by the local Pebble Brook school café. One of the ideas used on the day was that each person was provided a coaster when receiving their drink. This coaster had a green and red side that displayed whether the person was open to conversation or was happy being on their own. The Healthy Living Centre are going to continue using these coasters on regular days at the cafe where the community can attend to meet other people for a chat or just sit quietly as they prefer.

It was a brilliant day and one comment from an Oasis employee sums up the feeling of positivity and support perfectly.

“Just knowing that you are all there for me, to listen, guide, support and make me tea when needed, just makes everything a little bit easier.  For that, I am truly grateful.”

Sharon Brown